DRUID debates

See the most recent DRUID debates in hi-res video.

DRUID Debate on Artificial Intelligence and Deskilling: Will the current pattern of development of AI lead to significant deskilling within knowledge intensive industries? (2024)
YES: Maria Savona and Neil Thompson
NO: Hyuinjin Kim and Abhishek Nagraj

DRUID Debate on Using sports data for decision making: Has research to inform strategy and innovation decisions significantly overstated the value of sports as a context? (2024)
YES: Christoph Grimpe and Annamaria Conto
NO: Jan Ross and Elisa Operti

DRUID Debate on Expert judgement in innovation, science and entrepreneurial decision-making: Is expert judgement given excessive reliance in innovation, science and entrepreneurial decision-making, making managers and funders better off relying on randomisation to a much higher degree? (2023)
YES: Chiara Franzoni and Gary Dushnitsky
NO: Florenta Teodoridis and J.P. Eggers

DRUID Debate on Lean Start-Ups: Does the Lean start-up approach represent a giant leap for our understanding of entrepreneurship? (2023)
YES: Speaking for the motion: Yuliya Snihur and Christopher L Tucci
NO: Elena Novelli and Teppo Felin

DRUID Debate on Agent-Based Models: Have agent-based models addressing issues pertaining to the strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship field failed to inform real-world managerial decisions, limiting the value of the insights produced by these models? (2022)
YES: Thomas Rønde and April Franco
NO: Arianna Marchetti and Luigi Marengo

DRUID Debate on The Climate Emergency: Does the climate emergency require a significant re-orientation of the neo-Schumpeterian model of innovation and development? (2022)
YES: Anna Bergek and Frank Geels
NO: Suma Athreye and Erik Stam

DRUID Panel on Challenges to Science Accentuated by the COVID-19 Health Crisis(2021)
Martin Friede (WHO), Reinhilde Veugelers, Kyle Myers, and interventions by DRUID scholars

DRUID Debate on ‘Mission-Oriented’ Innovation Policy: Is the recent shift towards ‘mission-oriented’ innovation policy away from more broad based policies misconceived, leading to lower social and economic benefits? (2021)
YES: Mercedes Delgado and Maureen McKelvey
NO: Koen Frenken and Caetano Penna

DRUID Debate on Laboratory Experiments: Despite merits in terms of establishing causality in particular settings, do studies based purely on laboratory experiments lack an important degree of external validity, leading them to yield only very limited scientific progress within the innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy field? (2021)
YES: Marco Giarratana and Valentina Tartari
NO: Daniella Laureiro-Martínez and Henry Sauerman

DRUID Debate on ‘Design Thinking’Do recent developments in design thinking represent a major advance in our understanding of innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship over traditional approaches? (2019)
YES: Dimo Dimov and Roberto Verganti
NO: Dan Levinthal and Sarah Kaplan

DRUID Debate on the ‘Eco-Systems Approach’ Is a conceptualization of the competitive environment without an eco-systems approach flawed? (2019)
YES: Annabelle Gawer and Michael Jacobides
NO: Nilanjana Dutt and Stefano Brusoni

DRUID Debate on ‘Star Scientists’: Is the focus on ‘star scientists’ in science and innovation policy misplaced and detrimental to development of effective policies for economic development? (2018)
YES: Jason Owen-Smith and Aldo Geuna
NO: Catherine Beaudrey and Alexander Oettl

DRUID Debate on Community Innovation Survey Data: Is it time to move on from using Community Innovation Survey data, since it is facing strong diminishing returns for empirical research to advance our knowledge on firm-level innovation? (2018)
YES: Bruce Tether and Reinhilde Veugelers
NO: Ashish Arora and Aija Leiponen

DRUID Panel on Deglobalization: How may current policy trends towards protectionism impact innovation, entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics? (2017)
Juan Alcacer, Anita McGahan, Ram Mudambi and Michael Storper

DRUID Debate on Practice Engagement and Research: Is research targeted at the practitioner audience unlikely to lead to scientific breakthroughs in the innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy field? (2017)
YES: John Cantwell and Tina Ambos
NO: Andy van de Ven and Rita Gunther McGrath

DRUID Debate on The Dual Requirement of a Theoretical and an Empirical Contribution: Is the requirement of a theoretical and empirical contribution within the same paper damaging to scientific progress in the innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy field? (2017)
YES: Michelle Gittelman and Rich Bettis
NO: Oliver Alexy and Martin Kilduff

DRUID Debate on Econometric Identification: Despite merits in terms of clarifying the limitations of many empirical results, is the current imperative regarding econometric identification leading innovation scholars to focus on a too narrow set of questions? (2016)
YES: Karin Hoisl and Will Mitchell
NO: Timothy Simcoe and David Waguespack

DRUID Debate on The Journal Impact Factor: Has the Journal Impact Factor now lost all of its credibility? (2016)
YES: Diana Hicks and Ben Martin
NO: Wilfred Mijnhardt and Barend van der Meulen

DRUID Debate on IPR and Emerging Economies: Are tight international IPR regimes crucially harmful to emerging export-led economies? (2016)
YES: Kwanghui Lim and Paak Liang Png
NO: Chang Chieh Hang and Margaret Kyle

DRUID Debate on Asian Innovation Systems: Is there a unique Asian system of innovation (or management or business)?(2016)
NO: Wong Poh Kam and Chris Tucci
YES: Gerry George and Henry Yeung

DRUID Debate on Business Model Innovation: Is the current focus on business models and business model innovation misplaced and offers little new to our understanding of strategy and general management? (2015)
YES: Anne Marine Knott and Robert Grant
NO: Chris Tucci and Joan E. Ricart

DRUID Debate on Entrepreneurship Policy: Are policy efforts to encourage more people to become entrepreneurs generally wrong? (2015, Published as a paper in Small Business Economics, 47/1: 35-51)
YES: Thomas Åstebro and David Robinson
NO: Zoltan Acs and David Audretch

DRUID Debate on Innovative China: Will China become the leading innovative power in the world in 2040? (2014)
YES: Marina Yue Zhang and Ram Mudambi
NO: Scott Stern and Daniele Archibugi

DRUID Debate on Patents on Business Methods or Software: Do patents on software and business methods significantly retard technological and economic progress? (2014)
YES: Joachim Henkel and Mike Meurer
NO: Stuart Graham and Jay P. Kesan

DRUID Debate on Strategy: Do analyses based on conventional measures of financial performance lead to poor strategic decisions about innovative projects? (2013)
YES: Siney G. Winter and Bruce Kogut
NO: Anita McGahan and Rebecca Henderson

DRUID Debate on Scientific Fraud: Is the academic system is effective at self-policing, so that fraud and other research misconduct is kept to a minimum and research integrity is maintained? (2013)
YES: Julia I. Lane and Jeff Furman
NO: Dietmar Harhoff and Ben Martin

DRUID Debate on Systems of Innovation: Is the systems of innovation approach no longer a promising line of research? (2013)
YES: Maryann Feldman and Ammon Salter
NO: Dan Breznitz and Martin Kenney

DRUID Debate on IPR and Growth: Are (the current structure of) intellectual property rights a serious impediment to economic progress? (2012)
YES: Eric von Hippel and Georg Von Krogh
NO: Vincenzo Denicolo’ and Scott Stern

DRUID Debate on Exploration/Exploitation: Is the exploration/exploitation trade-off a helpful metaphor, but with little value in informing research that is relevant to organizations/managers? (2012)
YES: Marco Giarratana and Lori Rosenkopf
NO: John Cantwell and Ram Mudambi

DRUID Debate on Neoclassical Economics and Innovation: Does mainstream neoclassical economic theory not contribute positively to innovation studies? (2012)
YES: Giovanni Dosi and Sid Winter
NO: Paul Stoneman and Otto Toivanen

DRUID Debate on Social Corporate Responsibility: Are there few firm investments in social values or corporate social responsibility without the aim of value creation? (2011)
YES: Andrea Fosfuri and Jean Philippe Bonardi
NO: Shawn Berman and Stephen Brammer

DRUID Debate on the Role of Empirical Research: Is the primary role of empirical researchers to test theories? (2011)
YES: Michael Ryall and Gerard George
NO: Michael Jensen and Michelle Gittelman

DRUID Debate on Entrepreneurship: Is a significant part of entrepreneurship innate? (2010)
YES: Nicolas Nicolau and Scott Shane
NO: Alfonso Gambardella and Peter Thompson

DRUID Debate on University Patenting: Does university patenting increasingly impede knowledge sharing and overall economic growth? (2010)
YES: Martin Kenney and Arvids A. Ziedonis
NO: Marie Thusby and Ben Martin

DRUID Debate on Prediction: Does the notion of prediction have high value as a criterion for research in social sciences? (2009)
YES: Will Mitchell and Anne Marie Knott
NO: Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Paul Nightingale

DRUID Debate on Evolutionary Processes: Does empirical evidence on industrial dynamics favor organizational ecology? (2009)
YES: Laszlo Polos and Stanislav D. Dobrev
NO: Giovanni Dosi and Bart Verspagen

DRUID Debate on Patents as Measure of Innovation: In order to improve the quality and impact of empirical research on industry dynamics, should we discourage the use of patent data to measure innovation? (2008)
YES: Maryann Feldman and Myriam Mariani
NO: Joanne Oxley and Bronwyn Hall

DRUID Debate on Networks and Innovation: Are network dynamics an essential variable in any explanation of innovation? (2008)
YES: Walter W Powell and Jason Owen-Smith
NO: Francesco Lissoni and Elaine Romanelli

DRUID Debate on The Scientific Value of Game Theory: Have sophisticated analyses based on game theory made no significant contribution to the understanding of real questions of business strategy? (2008)
YES: Sidney G. Winter and Dan Lovallo
NO: Bruno Cassiman and Peter Zemsky

DRUID Debate on Methodological Individualism versus Scientific Progress: Does the lack of methodological individualism applied in strategy research seriously limit scientific progress in the field? (2007)
YES: Peter Abell and Nicolai Foss
NO: Sidney G. Winter and Thorbjørn Knudsen

DRUID Debate on Dynamic Capabilities and Adaptation: Does the study of dynamic capabilities leads to a dead end and rather, to further our understanding of firm performance we need to study organizational adaptation rather than dynamic capabilities? (2007)
YES: Dan Levinthal and William C Ocasio
NO: Gautam Ahuja and Kathleen Eisenhardt

DRUID Debate on Social Networks and Clusters: Do social networks play a crucial role in facilitating regional economic development and the emergence and persistence of industrial clusters? (2006)
YES: Olav Sorenson and Jesper B. Sørensen
NO: Alfonso Gambardella and Scott Stern

DRUID Debate on Users and Innovation: Are users the primary source of innovations in the economy and is the central role of business firms therefore to enable and harness these users’ innovations rather than trying to innovate for them?
YES: Dietmar Harhoff and Lars Bo Jeppesen.
NO: Deborah Dougherty and Gautam Ahuja

DRUID Debate on Open Innovation: Is Open Innovation a broadly expanding new paradigm in managing innovation implying that the scope for tight appropriability regimes and core competencies is decreasing? (2005)
YES: Henry Chesbrough and Richard N. Langlois.
NO: Constance Helfat and Ammon Salter

DRUID Debate on Offshoring Intellectual Labour: Is offshoring intellectual labour the first stage in the true globalisation of innovation and the end to the knowledge-based comparative advantage of currently developed countries? (2005)
YES: Daniele Archibugi and Suma S. Athreye
NO: Michael Storper and Meric Gertler

DRUID Debate on Firm Strategy or Industry Affiliation: Is industry structure a central determinant of firm performance, and is the scope for firm strategy limited accordingly? (2005)
YES: Anita McGahan and Janet Bercovitz.
NO: Alfonso Gambardella and Sidney Winter

DRUID Roundtable on Absorptive Capacity of Innovation Systems with Focus on the Role of University in Economic Development (2004)
Rajneesh Narula, Richard R. Nelson, and Jose Cassiolato

DRUID Roundtable on Sharing and Protecting Knowledge: Is there a Need for New Rules for the Global Game of Intellectual property? (2003)
Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Birgitte Andersen, Benjamin Coriat, Ove Granstrand and Bronwyn Hall

DRUID Roundtable on Benchmarking National Innovation Systems and RTD-Policy Learning in Europe: Consequences and Recommendations for Industrial and Technology Policies in the Wake of the Danish EU Presidency (2002)
Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Nikolaos Kastrinos, David Mowery,
Dominique Foray,
Kim Brinckman and Jens Nyholm

DRUID Roundtable on The Contribution of Evolutionary Economics to Economics and Social Science (2001)
Richard N. Nelson, Sidney G. Winter and young DRUID scholars

DRUID Roundtable on The New Economy and International Benchmarking (2001)
Richard N. Nelson, Jørgen Rosted, Keith Pavitt, Nobuo Tanaka and David Teece

DRUID Roundtable on Theoretical Perspectives of Industrial Dynamics (2001)
Sidney G. Winter, Mashiko Aoki, Giovanni Dosi, Brian Loasby and Luc

DRUID Roundtable on Capturing and Communicating Productive Knowledge (2000)
Brian Loasby, Sidney G. Winter, Alice Lam, Keith Smith, George B. Richardson and Ed Steinmueller.

DRUID Roundtable on Policy Perspectives on Learning and Knowledge with Focus on Learning Organisations and Labour Market Dynamics (2000)
Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Kurt Larsen, Ned Lorenz, Bent Dalum, Keith Smith and Alice Lam

DRUID Roundtable on Competences and Transaction Costs (1998)
Oliver Williamson, Sidney G. Winter, Brian Loasby, Bengt-Åke Lundvall,
George B. Richardson, Jay Barney and Giovanni Dosi

DRUID Roundtable on The Implications of Globalisation, the Learning Economy and the Information Society for Competition Policy (1997)
Bo Carlsson, Svend Hylleberg, Finn Lauritzen, George B. Richardson, Ed Steinmueller, Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Lynn Mytelka

DRUID Roundtable on New trends in the Research on Industrial Dynamics (1996)
Christopher Freeman and Franco Malerba

DRUID Roundtable on Changes in the Production and use of Knowledge with Focus on the Codification Trend (1996)
Patric Llerena, Massimo Columbo, Dominique Foray, Brian Loasby, Sidney G. Winter and Paul Nightingale

DRUID Roundtable on Industrial policy in the Learning Economy (1996)
Jacques DeBandt, Jørgen Rosted, Morris Teubal, Keith Smith, Luc Soete and Nobuo Tanaka