DRUID keynotes

See the most recent DRUID keynotes in hi-res video.

Zoltán J. Acs
, David B. Audretch, Pontus Braunerhjelm and Bo Carlsson: The Missing Link: The Knowledge Filter and Endogenous Growth (2003)

Zoltán J. Acs: The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (2010)

Ron Adner: Entry Timing and Performance in Innovation Ecosystems: Evidence from the optical photolithography industry, 1962-2004 (2006)

Allan Afuah: Technological Change and the Negative Effects of Embeddedness (2007)

Rajshree Agarwal: The Process of Creative Construction: Implications for 
Knowledge Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (2008)

Rajshree Agarwal: The emergence of new industries and firms: Stylized facts and unresolved theoretical issues (2014)

Gautam Ahuja: Technology Search Behavior in the Semiconductor Industry(2006)

Gautam Ahuja: New Frontiers in Strategy and Innovation Research (2012)

Howard E. Aldrich: Lost in Translation: Cultural Codes are not Blueprints (2011)

Bruno Amable and Pascal Petit: On Institutions, Innovation and Growth (1999)

Jaideep Anand: Does Experience imply learning? (2010)

Birgitte Andersen and Vivien Walsh: Co-Evolution of Technological Systems, Blurring of Industry Boundaries, and Broadening of Competences in the Chemical Industry (1998)

Esben S. Andersen and Morris Teubal: The Transformation of Innovation Systems: Towards a Policy Perspective (1999)

Linda Argote: Transactive memory systems, performance and innovation (2016)

Melissa M. Appleyard: Knowledge Meshing through Interdisciplinary R&D: The case of the U.S. NIH Nanomedicine 
 Development Centers (2011)

Nicholas Argyres: Contractual Commitments, Bargainining Power, and Governance Inseperability:Incorporating History into the Transaction Cost Theory of Firm (1998)

Rodrigo Arocena and Judith Sutz: Looking at National Systems of Innovation from the South (1999)

Ashish Arora: Innovative and Selective Capabilities in Pharmaceutical R&D (2006)

Suma Athreye and John Cantwell: Inequality in the Global Production of Technology and the Technological Catch-up of Nations (2004)

David Audretsch: Nascent Entrepreneurs, Innovation and External Finance (2007)

Carliss Y. Baldwin: Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation (2010)

Jay B. Barney: Transaction Costs, Real Options, Learning and Property Rights (1998)

Joel A. C. Baum: The Skewed Few: Does high impact signal quality among journals, articles, and academics in management? (2012)

Jane Banaszak-Holl, Will Mitchell, Joel A. C. Baum and Whitney B. Berta: Chain-to-component Transfer Learning in Multiunit Chains: U.S. Nursing Homes, 1991-1997 (2003)

Mary Benner: Exploration, exploitation, and analysts: Are firms rewarded for ambidexterity? (2013)

Janet Bercovitz and Maryann Feldmann: Technology Transfer and the Academic Department: Who participates and why? (2003)

Janet Bercovitz and Maryann Feldman: Fishing Upstream: Firm Innovation Strategy and University Research Alliances (2005)

Ron Boschma: Related variety and regional growth in Italy (2007)

Thomas Brenner: Factors and Mechanisms Causing the Emergence of Local Industrial Clusters – A Meta-Study of 159 Cases (2007)

Timothy Bresnahan, Alfonso Gambardella and Annalee Saxenian: Old 
Economy Inputs for New Economy Outputs: Rise and Growth of the New Silicon Valleys (2002)

Eric Brousseau: Internet Regulation: Does Self-Regulation Require an Institutional Framework? (2002)

Diane Burton: Entrepreneurship and Employment: Job Creation, Job Quality and Career Trajectories (2013)

John Cantwell and Ram Mudambi : On the nature of knowledge creation in MNE subsidiaries: An empirical analysis using patent data (2003)

Kenneth I. Carlaw and Richard G. Lipsey: Externalities versus Technological Complementarities: a model of GPT-driven, sustained growth (2001)

Bo Carlsson: Competition and Industrial Dynamics: Innovation, Entry, and Spillovers (1997)

Bo Carlsson: The new economy: What is new and what is not? (2002)

Bo Carlsson: Industrial Dynamics: A Review of the Literature 1985-2000 (2008)

Bo Carlsson, Staffan Jacobsson, Magnus Holmen & Annika Rickne: Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues (1999)

Bo Carlsson and Bengt-Åke Lundvall:
Industrial Dynamics Revisited: What Have We Learned? (1998)

Mark Casson: An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm (1998)

Mario Cimoli and Jorge Katz: Structural Reforms, Technological Gaps and Economic Development. A Latin American Perspective in the 1990’s (2001)

Wesley M. Cohen: View from the Bench: Patents, licensing and upstream biomedical innovation (2006)

Wesley M. Cohen: Reflections on Fifty Years of Empirical Studies of the Economics of Innovative Activity and Performance (2013)

Russell Coff: The Co-evolution of Rent Appropriation and Capability Development (2009)

Patrick Cohendet and Patrick Llerna: Routines, Communities and Organizational Capabilities (2001)

Massimo Colombo: The Choice of the Form of Strategic Alliances: Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond (1998)

Massimo Colombo: the Managerial Professionalization of High-Tech Entrepreneurial Ventures: The Determinants of the Creation of a Middle-Management Layer (2009)

Massimo Colombo and Paola Carrone: Capabilities in the Multimedia Regime: The case of Telecommunications Operators (1997)

Philip N. Cooke: Networks and Hierarchies in Bioscientific Knowledge Management (2003)

Philip N. Cooke: Transition Regions: Green Innovation and Economic Development (2009)

Rod Coombs and Stan Metcalfe: Distributed Capabilities and the Governance of the Firm (1998)

Benjamin Coriat: Firms, competition and selection: Strengths and limits of the Evolutionary Approach (1997)

Benjamin Coriat and Olivier Weinstein: Organization and Institutions in the Innovation Generation – Towards a theory of “Corporate Systems of Innovation (1999)

Benjamin Coriat, Fabienne Orsi and Olivier Weinstein: Science Based Sectors and Institutional Arrangements: From Science Based “1” to Science Based “2” Regimes (2002)

Robin Cowan, Paul A. David and Dominique Foray: The explicit economics of knowledge codification and tacitness (1999)

Jacques de Bandt: Competence and Organizational Learning Requirements for Complex Knowledge Production (1998)

Jacques De Bandt: Productivity in and through Knowledge Production (2000)

Pablo D’Este and Pari Patel: University – Industry linkages in the UK: what are the factors determining the variety of university researchers’ interactions with industry? (2005)

Timothy M. Devinney, David F. Midgley and Christine W. Soo:
Do Firms Learn from Their Mistakes? Exploring the Effects of Knowledge Sourcing and Absorptive Capacity on Project-Level Learning (2003)

Ludovic Dibiaggio: Technological Platforms, Business Diversification and Economic Performance (2009)

Giovanni Dosi: Learning to Govern and Learning to Solve Problems (1998)

Giovanni Dosi, Guilio Bottazzi, Marco Lippi, Fabio Pammoli and Massimo Riccaboni: Processes of corporate growth in the evolution of an innovation driven industry – the case of Parmaceuticals (2000)

Giovanni Dosi, Daniel Levinthal and Luigi Marengo: Bridging Contested Terrain: Linking Incentive-based and Learning Perspectives on Organizational Evolution (2001)

Giovanni Dosi and Orietta Marsili: Industrial Structures and Dynamics: Evidence, Interpretation and Puzzles (1997)

Deborah Dougherty: Learning for Innovation in Science-Based Industries. The Case of Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery (2006)

Charles Edquist: Innovation Policy: A Systemic Approach (1999)

Kathleen Eisenhardt: Complexity Theory, Market Dynamism, and the Strategy of Simple Rules (2007)

Gunnar Eliasson: The Nature of Economic Change and Management in the Knowledge-Based Information Economy (1998)

Dieter Ernst: High-Tech Competition Puzzles. How Globalization Affects Firm Behavior and Market Structure in the Electronics Industry (1997)

Dieter Ernst: What Permits Small Firms to Compete in High-Tech Industries? (1998)

Jan Fagerberg: The Future of Innovation Studies (2009)

Jan Fagerberg and Bart Verspagen: The technology gap approach reexamined (2001)

Terence P. C. Fan: Relation-specific creative performance in voluntary collaborations: A micro-foundation for competitive advantage? (2011)

Ernst Fehr: The engineering of cooperative social norms (2014)

Maryann Feldman: Locational dynamics of the biotech industry (2002)

Simoni Ferriani: The Social Structure of Creativity: Social Networks and Rewards in the Hollywood Film Industry (2010)

Richard Florida: Creativity, Innovation and Inequality (2015)

Dominique Foray: Various Roads towards the Knowledge-based Economy? (2000)

Dominique Foray and David Hargreaves: The development of knowledge of different 
sectors: a model and some hypotheses (2002)

Dominique Foray and Edward W. Steinmueller: Replication of routine, the domestication of tacit knowledge and the economics of inscription technology: A Brave New World? (2001)

Andrea Fosfuri: Managing Licensing in the Market for Technology (2009)

Tim Foxon: Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Transforming Innovation Systems for Eco-innovation 

Martin Fransman: Analysing the Evolution of Industry: the Relevance of the Telecommunications Industry (1998)

Chiara Franzoni: Scientists on the move? Evidence and future directions of research on the international mobility of researchers (2017)

Joshua Gans: Strategic Entrepreneurial Experimentation (2024)

Paul Geroski: The Growth of Firms in Theory and Practice (1998)

Paul Geroski and Mariana Mazzucato: Learning and the Sources of Corporate Growth (2001)

Alfonso Gambardella: Ideas for Rent: An Overview of Markets for 
Technology (2008)

Alfonso Gambardella: Strategies for inventing: How large numbers can affect cherry-picking (2011)

Meric S. Gertler: “Buzz without being there? (2008)

Meric S. Gertler and Yael Levitte : Local Nodes in Global Networks: The Geography of Knowledge Flows in Biotechnology Innovation (2003)

Marco Giarratana: Contagion effects in portfolios of diversified firms: The distinct role of non- scale vs. scale free resources (2017)

Michelle Gittelman: Does geography matter for science-based firms? Epistemic communities and the geography of research and patenting in biotechnology (2006)

Michelle Gittelman and Bruce Kogut: Does Good Science Lead to Valuable 
Knowledge? Biotechnology Firms and the Evolutionary Logic of Citation Patterns (2002)

Edward Glaeser: Cities as Agents of Change (2017)

Ove Granstrand: The Economics and Management of Evolutionary Knowledge Diversification

Isin Guler: Transferability of Home-Country Advantages in Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments: The Case of Status and Experience (2015)

Martine Haas: Building Expertise for Innovation Inside Firms: Collaboration, Careers & Contexts (2019)

Bronwyn Hall and Raffaele Oriani : Does the Market Value R&D Investment by 
European Firms? Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Firms in France, 
Germany and Italy (2003)

Stephan Heblich and Oliver Falck: The Lifecycle Of Regions (2008)

Joachim Henkell: Patent Trolls on Markets for Technology – An Empirical Analysis of Trolls’ Patent Acquisitions (2010)

Martin Svensson Henning and Frank Neffke: Varying agglomeration externalities over the course of the industry life cycle (2008)

David Hsu: The Signaling Value of Patents: Evidence from Semiconductor Start-ups (2007)

Alan Hughes: Universities and the Commercialisation of Science: Retrospect and Prospect (2009)

Michael Jacobides: Playing Football on a Soccer Field: Value Chain Structures, Institutional Modularity and Foreign Expansion (2005)

Adam B. JaffeReinventing the Elder Workforce: Evidence on Age and Creativity (2019)

Justin J.P. Jansen, Frans A.J. Van den Bosch and Henk W. Volberda: Managing Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity: Antecedents and Consequences (2003)

Lars Bo Jeppesen: Attracting Needles from the Haystack: the Importance of Marginality in a Broadcast Search and Solution Attraction Problem Solving Process

David Kaplan: The New National R&D Strategy for South Africa: An Appraisal (2004)

Riitta Katila and Scott Shane: When does lack of resources make new firms Innovate? (2005)

Jorge Katz: Latin America at a cross road: the need for an alternative growth strategy (2004)

Neil Kay: Some Rude Thoughts on the Growth of Firms (1998)

René Kemp: From End-of-Pipe to System Innovation. the Implications for Policy (2009)

Martin Kenney: National Exceptionalism?: The Importance of Context in Shaping the Birth 
of the U.S.Internet Industry (2002)

Martin Kilduff: The Production of New Knowledge in Organizations: A Philosophy of Science Approach  (2010)

Steven Klepper: Firm Capabilities and Industry Evolution  (2001)

Steven Klepper: Intra-industry Spinoffs and the Formation of Clusters (2008)

Tobias Kretschmer: Product Line Extension in Hypercompetitive Environments – Evidence From the US Video Game Industry (2009)

Margaret Kyle: Do Patents Work? (And What Else Might?) Evidence from Pharmaceutical Innovation (2021)

Alice Lam: Work roles and careers of R&D scientists in network organizations (2004)

Richard N. Langlois: Capabilities and Governance: the Rebirth of Production in the Theory of Economic Organization (1998)

Richard N. Langlois: Competition through Institutional Form: the Case of Cluster Tool Standards (2004)

Keld Laursen and Ammon J. Salter: The Paradox of Openness. Appropriability and the Use of External Sources of Knowledge for Innovation (2007)

William Lazonick: The Theory of Innovative Enterprise: Organization of Innovation in the Learning Economy (2000)

Keun Lee: Succesive Changes in Industry Leadership and Catch-up by Asia (2016)

Michael Lenox: Interdependencies, Competitive Dynamics, and Firm Choice of Innovation Policy (2009)

Aija Leiponen: Cooperative standard-setting strategies in wireless telecommunications (2006)

Daniel A. Levinthal: Revisiting the Problem of Organizational Goals: From Problems of Con ict to Problems of Direction (2011)

Arie Y. Lewin and Silvia Massini: Knowledge Creation and Organizational Capabilities of Innovating and Imitating Firms (2003)

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf: Dismantling Knowledge Boundaries at NASA: The impact on R&D professionals, problem formulation and locus of innovation (2017)

Patrick Llerena: The Theory of the Firm in an Evolutionary Perspective: a Critical Development (1998)

Patrick Llerena and Mireille Matt: Technological Cooperation and Dynamic Performance of Industries: Towards an Evolutionary Foundation of Technology Policies (1999)

Brian J. Loasby: Decision Premises and Economic Organisation (1998)

Brian J. Loasby: Cognition and the Growth of Knowledge (2001)

Bengt-Åke Lundvall: Industrial Dynamics in a small open economy (1997)

Bengt-Åke Lundvall: National Innovation Systems – from Evolutionary Concept to Development Tool (2005)

Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Jesper Lindgaard Christensen: Extending and Deepening the Analysis of Innovation Systems – with Empirical Illustrations from the DISKO Project (1999)

Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Bjoern Johnson, Esben S. Andersen and Bent Dalum: National systems of production, innovation and competence-building (2001)

Anoop Madhok: Cost, Value, and the Management of Interfirm Collaborations (1998)

Franco Malerba: Knowledge Proximity and Technological Diversification (1998)

Franco Malerba: New Challenges for the European Sectoral System of Innovation (2002)

Franco Malerba and Timothy Bresnahan: Industrial Dynamics and the Evolution of Firms’ and nations’ Competitive Capabilities in the World Computer Industry

Franco Malerba and Luigi Orsenigo: The Dynamics of Innovation and Market Structure in the Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry: A History Friendly Model (2001)

Jacques Mairesse and Pierre Mohnen: Accounting for Innovation and productivity: A 
Comparison Across Four European Countries (2002)

Robin Mansell: Relocations of Competition in the field of Information and Communications Technology (1997)

Luigi Marengo: Interdependencies and Division of Labor in Problem Solving Techniques (1998)

Luigi Marengo: Knowledge, Competition and Appropriability: Is strong IPR protection always needed for more and better Innovations?

Anita M. McGahan: The effect of Industry and location on Firm Profitability in the Global Market: Empirical Evidence that Firm Performance Depends on the Interaction between Industry Affiliation and Country Identity (2006)

Anita M. McGahan: The More the Merrier: Institutions and Syndicate Size in Venture Capital investments (2007)

Anita M. McGahan and Brian S. Silverman : Innovation and Competition (2003)

Stan Metcalfe: Competitive and Comparative Advantage: (Rough) Notes Toward an Evolutionary Approach to Growth and Foreign Trade (1999)

Stan Metcalfe: The Evolution of Industrial Dynamics (2006)

David Mowery: The Changing structure of inventive activity and process innovation in the global semiconductor industry, 1994-2004 (2006)

David Mowery and Stuart Graham: Submarines and Strategy in Firms’ Intellectual Property Portfolios: Continuations in Software Patents (2002)

David Mowery and Timothy Simcoe: Is the Internet a U.S. Invention? An Economic and Technological History of Computer Networking (2001)

Johann Peter Murmann: The Complex Role of Patents in Creating Technological Competencies (2007)

Lynn Mytelka and Michel Delapierre: Industrial Dynamics, Knowledge-Based Networked Oligopolies and the Emergence of New Modes of Competition

Sadao Nagaoka: An analysis of unilateral and cross-licensing: new evidence from the inventor survey in Japan (2008)

Ramana Nanda: Democratizing Entry: Banking Deregulations, Financing 
Constraints and Entrepreneurship (2008)

Richard R. Nelson: Knowledge and Innovation Systems (1999)

Jack Nickerson: Toward an Economizing Theory of Strategy (1998)

Jack Nickerson: Designing a Dynamic Capability for Strategic Problem Formulation (2010)

Bart Nooteboom: Competence in Mutual Dependence (1998)

Bart Nooteboom: Network embeddedness and the exploration of novel technologies: technological distance, betweenness  centrality and density (2006)

Joanne Oxley: Alliance structure and the scope of knowledge transfer: Evidence from US-Japan agreements (2007)

Pari Patel and Keith Pavitt: National Systems of Innovation under Strain: The Internationalisation of Corporate R & D (1999)

Keith Pavitt: Technologies, Products and Organisation in the Innovating Firm: What Adam Smith Tells us and Joseph Schumpeter Doesn’t (1998)

Keith Pavitt: Knowledge about Knowledge since Nelson & Winter: A mixed record (2001)

Keith Pavitt: System Integrators as “post-industrial” firms? (2002)

Markus Perkmann: Why do academics engage with industry? the entrepreneurial university and individual motivations (2009)

Pascal Petit and Bruno Amable: On the development paths of innovation systems (2001)

Eric Pfaffman: How Does a Product Influence the Boundaries of the Firm? (1998)

Corey Phelps: Take a Chance on Me: An Examination of the Interdependence of Start-up Tie Formation Across Venture Capital and Alliance Networks (2011)

Hart E. Posen: The Power of Imperfect Imitation (2011)

Jaideep Prabhu: Patterns in the Global Location of R&D Centres by the World’s Largest Firms: The Role of India and China (2010)

Phanish Puranam: Expeditions Without Maps: Why Faulty Initial Representations May Be Useful In Joint Discovery Problems (2010)

David Mitchel Reeb: Family Firms: Diversification and Leverage (2016)

Guido Reger: European Technolgy Policy and Internationalization: An Analysis against the Background of the International Innovation Strategies of Multinational Enterprises (1998)

George B. Richardson: Competition, Innovation and Increasing Returns (1997)

George B. Richardson: Production, Planning and Prices (1998)

George B. Richardson: Evolution, Structure and Strategy (2001)

George B. Richardson: The Organization of Industry Revisited (2003)

Lori Rosenkopf: All about that context: Replicating and generalizing innovation research (2018)

Cristina Rossi-Lamastra: Absorbing knowledge from unconventional sources. How collaborations with the Open Source community shape the innovation performance of entrepreneurial ventures (2011)

Michael Ryall: The Two Sides of Competition and their Effect on the Economic Performance of Organizations (2009)

Charles F. Sabel: Reconfiguring industrial policy: A framework with an application to South Africa (2008)

Mariko Sakakibara: Assessing the Role of University Patent Rights: U.S.-Japan Comparison of University-Industry Knowledge Transfer

Mari Sako: Governing Supplier Parks: Leveraging the benefits of Outsourcing and Co-location (2005)

Ron Sanchez: Uncertainty, Flexibility and Economic Organization: Foundations for an Option Theory of the Firm (1998)

Filipe Santos: From Social Entrepreneurship to Social Innovation?

AnnaLee Saxenian: Venture Capital in the “Periphery:” The New Argonauts, 
Global Search and Local Institution Building (2008)

Melissa Schilling: Technology Shocks and Technological Collaboration (2012)

Hubert Schmitz: Local Upgrading in Global Chains (2004)

Angelo Secchi and Giulio Bottazzi: Gibrat’s Law and Diversification (2006)

Brian Silverman: Lateral Dominance and Fringe Benefits: Strategic Dynamics Among Dominant and Fringe Firms (2006)

Keith Smith: Innovation, Growth and Industrial Structure: Issues for Policy (1999)

Keith Smith: What is the ‘knowledge economy’? Knowledge-intensive industries and distributed knowledge bases (2001)

Olav Sorenson: Social Networks and the Persistence of Clusters: Evidence from the computer workstation industry (2004)

Olav Sorenson: Complexity, Networks and Knowledge flows (2005)

Olav Sorenson: Home sweet home? Entrepreneurs’ location choices and the performance of their ventures (2007)

Olav Sorenson: Institutional Investors and the Supply of Private Equity (2011)

Olav Sorenson: Do startups create good jobs? (2016)

Daniel Snow: Demand Heterogeneity and Graceful Technology Retreats: a New Perspective on Responding to Dominant Technological Threats

David Stark: Dissonance for discovery (2016)

Ed Steinmueller: The Evolution of Competitive Advantage in the Global Semiconductor Industry: 1947-1996 (1997)

Ed Steinmueller: The Changing Locus of Learning Activities in the Firm and the Role of Information and Communication Technologies (2000)

Scott Stern: Does Formal Intellectual Property Impact the Market for Scientific Collaboration?: Evidence from Patent-Paper Pairs (2006)

Scott Stern: Patents, Papers & Privacy: The disclosure of scientific and 
commercial knowledge (2008)

Scott Stern: “The Geography of Entrepreneurship:  Emerging Lessons from the Startup Cartography Project” (2022)

Claude Serfati and Francois Chesnais: Long Horizon Investment under a Globalised Finance Dominated Accumulation Regime: An Interpretation of the Levelling Off and Decline of R&D in the 1990s

Michael Storper: Social Impacts of Globalization: Production, Consumption and Inequality in Global Context (1997)

Michael Storper: The Geographical Processes behind Innovation: A Europe-United States Comparative Analysis (2007)

Michael Storper: Society, Community and Economic Development: A Tale of Two Regions (2004)

Michael Storper: The Economics of Context (2008)

Michael Storper and Yun-chung Chen: Globalization, Localization, and Knowledge Flows (1999)

Michael Storper and Anthony J. Venables: Buzz: Face-to-Face Contact and 
the Contemporary Economy (2003)

Toby Stuart: The judgment of pairs (2014)

Jesper B. Sørensen: Peer effects in entrepreneurship (2006)

Jesper B. Sørensen: Competence and Commitment: Employer Size and 
Entrepreneurial Endurance (2008)

Anne ter Wal and Paola Criscuolo: Division of networks and innovation (2017)

Valentina Tartari: Gender and Inequality in the Scientific System (2023)

Bruce Tether: Turning Digital: Diversication in UK Design Consultancy Services (2010)

Morris Teubal: Restructuring and Embeddness of the Business Sector: A Systems of Innovation Perspective on Diffusion Policy (1997)

Marie Thursby, Jerry Thursby and Emmanuel Dechenaux: Shirking, Sharing Risk and Shelving: The Role of University Licence Contracts (2005)

Mary Tripsas: Identity and the Dynamics of Innovation (2024)

Brian Uzzi: The Science of Science: Collaboration strategies for improving scientific impact (2018)

Bart Verspagen: The Role of Large Multinationals in the Dutch Technology Infrastructure: A Patent Citation Analysis (1999)

Bart Verspagen and Claudia Werker
: What Do We Know About the Invisible College of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change? (2003)

Jerome Vicente and Raphael Suire: Why do some places succeed when others decline: A social interaction model of cluster viability (2008)

Eric von Hippel: The Major Role of Clinicians in the Discovery of Off-Label Drug Therapies (2007)

Eric von Hippel: Democratized Innovation is Taking Over: So What Comes Next? (2023)

David Waguespack: Status, Quality and Attention: What’s in a (Missing) Name? (2010)

Birger Wernerfelt: Efficient Adaptation versus Gains from Specialization: Procuring Labor Services (2011)

Oliver E. Williamson: Strategic Management and Core Competences: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective (1998)

Sidney G. Winter: Evolutionary Production Theory:Principles and Elements (1998)

Sidney G. Winter: Replicating Organizational Knowledge: Principles or Templates? (2006)

Sidney G. Winter: The Role of Scale Adjustment in Industry Dynamics (2009)

Ulrich Witt: Between Entrepreneurial Leadership and Managerial Governance: The Contingent Ontogeny of the Firm Organization (1998)

Ulrich Witt: The Development of Firms and the Evolution of Markets – The Entrepreneurial Role Reconsidered (2001)

Ulrich Witt and Christian Zellner: Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship: The Organizational Side of Technology Commercialization (2005)

Lan Xue: Integration into the Global Innovation System: the Roles of Universities in China (2009)

Shaker A. Zahra: Entrepreneurial Capability: Opportunity Pursuit and Game Changing (2011)

Shaker A. Zahra: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Growing a Field of Dreams (2015)

Ivo Zander: The International Entrepreneurial Dynamics of Accelerated Internationalization (2006)

Rosemarie Ziedonis: Job-hopping in the shadow of patent enforcement” (2011)

Christoph Zott: The Affective Roots of Resource-based Theory: How Founders’ Emotion Regulation Enables Resource Creation In Firms (2010)

John Zysman: Production and Competition in a Digital Era (2004)

Thomas Åstebro: Does it pay to be a Jack-of-all-trades? (2005)